Planner Support Videos

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I believe a journey of change and transformation happens over time and is best to do it with others!

To support you in ensuring you get the most out of your planner, I've prepared a series of videos to help you throughout the year.

In this sequence, you will receive a weekly email for 14 weeks with short videos that explain why I created each section and how it might best support you.

You can watch all these videos at once, and you get weekly reminders with emails to highlight each part. Then the emails are every quarter as a reminder and support for your quarterly goal setting and reflection activities.

You will also be invited to join our private Facebook group to purchase an NFP planner. Here you get to be part of the planner family, and if you want, you can share your journey and ask for support.

Incremental change tends to make the overall outcomes more sustainable. The beauty of the NFP planner, is that you can look back in nine to twelve months and see how far you've come.

I hope we can support you with your journey!